Monday, August 27, 2012

Sorry...very short e-mail...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hola everyone,

This week was a good. I don't have hardly any time this week to email. We taught 11 lessons and 170 some odd contacts. It was alright. We have to keep on finding. WE HAD OUR FIRST INVESTIGATOR TO CHURCH THIS TRANSFER!! This is the hardest area I've ever been in to keep people to keep commitments. But, it's not us who does the converting, it's the Holy Ghost who helps people have the "mighty change of heart."

I certainly have had the might change in heart that Alma talks about, some haven't yet, even though they have been born in the church. But I know it will come to all someday. This is the Gospel of Christ. This is his work. I love the mission. I love this tag and I never want to take it off.

Pray for the Macias family. They need some help, but they are so prepared to come unto the true Gospel of Christ. I love all of you and you're all in my prayers nightly. Sorry we had some emergencies come up this p-day and I don't have time to expound on things.

Next week will be the best email ever. Love you and hope everyone has a great week!

-Elder Dial

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe the changes that occur. What a great kid. Love you guys!
