Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The mission is the Greatest!

(Matt went to the Dr. on Monday and the temple on Tuesday, so their P-days got mixed up…)

Hello everyone,

This week was great. We are still finding, teaching, and just waiting on the baptism part. We have 6 SOLID investigators to get baptized on the 29th and the 30th of this month. We found a family doing the Harvesting Blessing this week named La Familia Preciado. They consist of Grandma, Mom, and 2 sons. We knocked on their door, they let us in, and we started writing down all the names. As we about finished, Alma (mom) said with tears rolling down her face, "Can you add two things to mine? I just got laid off, and the way I deal with it is drinking and smoking. I don't want to do it anymore." We obliged. We said the blessing and got up, sat on the couch, paused (this is key), acknowledged their feelings and the Holy Ghost, and said, "Will you both, follow these feelings, and the example that Jesus Christ has set before us and be baptized by someone holding the Priesthood authority of God?" They both obliged. They and the two sons will be baptized on the 30th of this month.

The Lord is preparing people. It's awesome. We are straight up doing this in the most ghetto of places too. We knocked on a door, and as we looked closer, we saw blood splattered all over the door. Someone straight up got murdered there. It's sweet. I love this area. It is probably the most ugly area I've been in, but, it is the area with the most work in it. We're straight up raking in investigators.

 On Sunday, I had the opportunity to do something very special. In our ward we have a young man named Beto. He is about 14 years old, and has the priesthood. He passes the sacrament regularly, and I never really thought anything of it until I was asked by his mother to follow him and watch him while he passed. As I reverently followed this priesthood holder around the chapel, I could feel the Spirit immensely, maybe one of the most spiritual moments of my mission. As he passed, I watched with tears in my eyes and could feel the love and diligence radiating from this young man. I want to grow up to be like Beto someday and love EVERYONE I see, and express it.

We had a chance to go to the temple, which I love doing. The temple is the house of God. We should all make the goal to visit it regularly. If we haven't been married, or gone through for ourselves, take the steps that we need to take in order to participate in these sacred ordinances.

 I love this work. I love this Gospel. The mission is the greatest. I have never been so happy/tired/stressed/spiritual/consecrated/tried in my entire life!! It really is the best fetchin two years.

 I love you.

-Elder Matt Dial

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