Monday, January 14, 2013

Amazing things happening in this HUGE, NEW area!

Hola mis weyes!(Hello my dudes)
This week was amazing!!!! I love my new area and companion. My comp is Elder Tyler Johnson, from Michigan.....He's lived all over the place but he's basically from michigan/utah. I lived with him in Jurupa for 2 transfers and now we're comps. He's a loving, diligent, faithful, hard-working missionary so I'm super excited to work with him. We have tons of work to do. There used to be 6 missionaries in this ward, We covered Indio, Coachella, Mecca, Thermal, Salton City and Borrego Springs with 6 missionaries. If you look at a map, you'll see that it's a HUGE area. So, what they did, is, they pulled out the two missionaries from Mecca/Thermal/Salton City/Borrego Springs, and gave all that to us. We now cover all that including, Coachella. It's a HUUUUUGE area that probably covers about a 1/4 of our mission. Soo, we took over all the investigators and stuff from all them. We are also the only companionship in the mission who covers an English and Spanish unit; Borrego Springs is a branch of about 20 regularly attending members. I had the opportunity to go down to Borrego Springs to translate for the four Mexicans in the Branch. The chapel had 4 full size pews and 3 half size ones and that was it. It was an awesome experience to see the faithfulness of the Saints in that area. The branch covers an area of 1,000 square miles. Those members sacrifice sooo much to get to church and take the sacrament to fulfill their duty as disciples of Christ. It was great. I loved it. We only go down to work there on Sundays, and only one of us goes to translate/work with the Branch President because it's a 3-4 hr drive from where we live.
The investigators we have now are great. We are working with a woman named Yolanda. She is a Mexican, has a family, and is the only one who listens to us. She is being torn from both ends to where she needs to go. From one end, her family wants her to keep going to the Christian church; and from the other end, God wants her to go to his church. She's having a hard time rejecting her family. We received a solid commitment that she was going to come to church with us this Sunday, but she ended up going with her family to the "great and abominable church." So we went over that night and planned to throw down hardcore. I very sneakily asked her the baptismal interview questions, and asked her if she had received her answer. She wasn't sure.
I said, "Why don't we kneel down right now, you say a prayer and ask God what you should do?"
She said, "Esta bien." (OK)  We did it and she said the most sincere prayer I've ever heard on my mission. We then had a LOOOONG moment of silence. We paused for like 2 minutes no lie. Pure silence. I broke it saying, "Como se siente?"  (How does it feel?)
"Tranquila." (Peaceful)
"Piensa que ha recibido su respuesta?"  (Do you think you have your answer?)
"Yo pienso que si."   (I think so)
For those who don't speak Spanish, translate it. It was great. She's now on date for the third of Feb. She's super solid. I love this area. I love my mission. It's the greatest thing ever. DO IT!!!!
Elder Matt Dial

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