Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Day for the Gypsies!!!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Dear Family,

WOW!!! This week was AWESOME!! First off, we did WORK! We found 8 new investigators, 5 of which have a baptismal date. First is the Juarez family. We were contacting in the park and talked to this one guy, not really interested. Went on talking to people, He came back and stopped me and said, Ya know what? You should come over and teach me, my wife and my five kids........WAAAHHH!!!!!!!!! Absolutely we will! HAPPY DAY FOR THE GYPSIES! So we went over and taught them later that week, committed them (only two kids were present) to be baptized on the 27th. The Gospel of Christ is SOO true it's unreal!! They couldn't show up to Conference but they are elect and I want to kiss them on the mouth.

We found Jessica talking to people in the park as well. She's on date for the 27th as well but I think she'll be a passover to English.

 Frank got baptized after Conference!! He's such a good guy. He came to all 5 sessions of conference, cried in a couple, and was baptized Sunday night. Finally we get to see the fruits of our labors in this hideous place called Moreno Valley. I love it. In the baptism he was bawling his fetchin eyes out. That guy is a big scary lookin guy. But he's a fetchin teddy bear. The Hermana missionaries sang Mas Cerca Dios de Ti (can't think of it in English-Nearer My God to Thee) and the Hoover dam busted open again and he was in tears. I had the privilege to perform the ordinance. It was great until I forget an extra pair of g's......I had a towel and everything but my suit was wet the rest of the night.....rookie mistake.

The work here is goin and I love this place. My favorite talk from Conference has to be from my boy Jeff.  (ahm…that would be Elder Holland)  THAT GUY can throw it down. I love those talks. Straight up yelling at the pulpit. I always get brought to tears in Conference. Last one was when Mo-Tab sang, "Come Thou Fount, " this year was the talk by Jeffy. I want to bear hug that guy. He's a fetchin apostle of the Lord and nobody can deny it. I loved Uchtdorf's talk in Priesthood as well. Conference is the BEST!



-Elder Matt Dial

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