Monday, October 22, 2012

New Green Companion and Pushups!

Dear Family,


This week was a little rough for numbers but number stink. My new companion is.....Elder Allen!! He's a great worker. I love missionaries who want to work. The mission field isn't a place for lazies. So don't be a lazy and follow God's rules and be HAPPY! sorry. Elder Allen hales from Delta, OH and graduated with a whoppin 93 people. He graduated 2011 and is excited to work. We're going to baptize the world and have a blast doing it. If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong. FIX IT AND BE FREE!

So our areas are a little bit different. We are no longer on bike. We split the zone in half (what I'm used to working with) and we both have a car. It's great. We know like nobody in this area. Basically we were doubled in.....again. This is the third time in my mission that I have been doubled-in (whitewashed, meaning a new area with both new missionaries) into an area. I wouldn’t have it any other way. You can do things your way and just start ANEW. Starting anew is something that I LOVE doing. Change is great. We're basically going to drop all but two investigators and starting hitting former investigators part member families and knockin doors. I'm SO EXCITED.

Before the mish I didn't really have a drive or desire to work. Now that I understand the Gospel of Christ I've come to realize that HAPPINESS DOESN'T COME WITHOUT SWEAT, BLOOD, AND TEARS! It's great and I love to work now. Speaking of work, we did a fireside last night. Man, I got a workout. So what you do, is get everyone together, get a donut for everyone in the room, and you have someone designated to do pushups.........SUPRISE ELDER DIAL!! YOU GET TO DO PUSHUPS!! They let me know 30 mins before it started that I was going to be doing the pushups. schmucks. I ended up doing like 150 pushups in sets of 5. It may not sound a lot to you, but pushing up 230 lbs (yes I lost 10) 150 times is quite difficult. I'm so sore it's unreal. But like I said happiness doesn't come without sweat, blood, and tears. And there were definitely sweat and tears last night at the fireside. So you go around and say, "Julie, do you want a donut?"
"Of course!" "Elder Dial will you do pushups so Julie can have her donut?" "Sure!"
And it goes about 80 I was startin to shake and a sweat pool was slowly developing on the floor. "Sandra, do you want a donut?"
"No." thinking that I wouldn't do pushups because she didn't eat one.
"Elder Dial, will you do pushups for a donut that Sandra doesn't want?" and so it went.
Eventually it finished and I was exhausted (however my arms looked SOO good! My sleeves were like skin tight) and we said some people decide to not accept the Atonement of Christ. You understand the analogy. It was good and everyone bawled. ACCEPT THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST. HE SUFFERED FOR YOU WHETHER YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IT OR NOT. DON'T LEAVE JESUS HANGIN AND ACCEPT IT. EAT THE DONUT!
 Love you

-Elder Matt Dial

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