Monday, March 11, 2013

This week was a little bit trying...

Hello everyone,

This week was a little bit trying. We've been dropped or have dropped by over twenty people in the past 3 weeks. We're left with about 7 people to teach. That's not a lot. Sometimes it's to step back and take a look at the big picture, but I'm trying to do so daily. On Saturday, we had five lessons lined up and they all canceled, then dinner canceled. I know that the Lord had something for us to do. Elder Johnson and I pulled over and said a prayer to ask God what we should do. We sat in silence for a while, then we went to visit a potential investigator...nothin (this is all at about 8pm). We went and knocked on some doors....we got in and did a Harvesting Blessing......and nothin. Not interested. This process had been happening all day. We got in to two doors at the end of the day and nobody was really interested.

Then, Sunday rolls around. We had 9 people tell us they were for sure coming to church......nobody showed up. It's just kinda been a time and time again thing. It's rough, HOWEVER, I know that God has something in store for someone, for me, my companion and those elect people that we are looking for.

 I have NO IDEA how we’re going to get 6 baptisms this transfer. All I know is we set the goal, said a prayer, and received a confirmation from the Spirit. I know that miracles happen DAILY. If you don't see a miracle daily, you're a bad missionary. Look for them and you'll come to realize that they do happen....DAILY. We're planning to go out to Borrego Springs for a day. We're gonna work our butts off out there for a day and see what kind of miracle God can work. That whole little town has been literally UNTOUCHED by missionaries for years, giving people the time to get more and more ripe. I'm excited to see what we can harvest.

Tonight we have a lesson with a woman named Juana. After that, we have a lesson with Juan. I think I'll name my kids all common Spanish names just to throw everyone off. I'll probably receive a new companion in two weeks unfortunately. I really like Elder Johnson, definitely one of my favorite companions. He loves to do missionary work, and he loves to work out. That's really all I need. Speaking of working out, He did 255 on the bench today. He weighs 160 and is about 6% body fat. Every time I see him without a shirt on I about pass out. It's quite impressive. I did 305 fairly easy as well. I only did one rep and tried to move up to 315 but it was about my sixth set.....couldn't get it; I'll cut down the sets, and get 320 next week.

Our only really solid investigators are the Flores family, and Jesus Alfredo. None of the people came to church. I'm starting to doubt how solid they are. I'm not too worried about it though. As long as we do all we possibly can, we have no need to worry. I KNOW that Christ lives. I KNOW that he atoned for me. I need to get better at utilizing that Atonement so I can be better and better guided be the Spirit to fulfill my purpose. God is sooooo good.   I can't wait to be a vagabond missionary so you can never release me. I'm gonna steal a mission car and be a missionary for the rest of my life. MISSIONARY TILL I DIE.  

LOVE YOU!  Elder Matt Dial

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